Friday, August 13, 2010

Unlimited Vacation?

Sounds like part of a dream job or is it a joke? Some companies like Social Strata and Netflix are offering this unbelievable benefit. They justify its offering by saying most of their employees are hard workers or on call anyway so they deserve to take off whenever they want without having to account for it. The caveat is that this is for professional employees, not factory workers, because you can’t have the assembly line shut down. I know many professional employees who are losing their vacation time because they can’t take time off from important projects. And then there are others who really can’t afford to take time off to actually go somewhere. So, for them there’s always the “stay-cation.” They still would be checking emails and ticking off some housework list. Not really my idea of a vacation. There’s usually one person who takes advantage of the situation. But if they’re on vacation a lot and not missed, so will be their job. So, will more companies be offering unlimited vacations as a benefit? I don’t think so.

1 comment:

The Last Single Girl said...

Maybe they're hoping if they offer unlimited vacation no one will take any. You know how if you're told you can't do something, you want to?


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