Saturday, March 15, 2008

Paper or Plastic?

What’s this about banning plastic bags? States like Maryland, Oregon and cities like Seattle and San Francisco are all about going green and introducing bills to outlaw non-biodegradable plastic bags. Makes sense. Remember when you used to think you were helping the environment by using plastic instead of paper? Those little plastic bags don’t hold many groceries either. So, I bought a few of the canvas bags. They’re convenient until you get meat juice on them, then you have to launder them. We still use the plastic grocery bags and recycle them into our wastebaskets. They’re great for hauling things to other people’s homes when you don’t expect to get them back. They’re handy for putting wet bathing suits in until you get home to dry them. Recently, I’ve found those bags to be defective with holes in the bottom seams—not good for depositing dirt or wet stuff.
Imagine a world where everyone has their own reusable bags and doesn’t mind losing one or two to someone else.

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