Saturday, January 19, 2008

10 Things I Learned From TLC's "What Not To Wear"

1. Your shoes do not have to match your pants or handbag.
2. If you want to look professional or dressier, wear a jacket.
3. Do not wear something just because it’s comfortable.
4. If you wore it in high school, it’s time to get rid of it.
5. No mini skirts after age 35.
6. Have a suit that you can mix and match with other tops and bottoms.
7. Black, brown, tan, navy and grey are neutrals so any color goes with them.
8. Flip flops are not considered shoes.
9. T-shirts with sayings on them are not for public wear.
10. Accessorize to dress up.

If you need more help, watch "What Not To Wear" on Friday nights at 8:00 PM ET.

1 comment:

Stephie Smith said...

5. No mini skirts after age 35 ???????? Oh, please. They'd never be dressing me. Wait a minute. What do they consider a mini skirt?

In any case, that knocks 70% of the 35+ women on TV out of the game. Have I ever seen a 35 year old TV star in a knee-length dress? I don't think so.


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